Carolina Catholic observes Human Trafficking Awareness Month

We observe Human Trafficking Awareness Month with guest, Christine Commerce, Program Director for the Alliance to End Human Trafficking (AEHT). AEHT is a collaborative, faith-based national network that offers education, supports access to survivor services, and engages in advocacy to eradicate this crime. Christine will speak about one of the most often ignored aspects of human trafficking that impacts us all directly: labor trafficking. As per the Department of State, it is estimated that child slave labor is used to produce 204 goods that Americans consume including coffee and chocolate, and children are also used to harvest critical minerals like cobalt, copper, lithium, manganese, tantalum, tin, tungsten, and zinc, the majority of which are used to run our cell phones, tablets, and computers.
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Alliance to End Human Trafficking
Alliance to End Human Trafficking YouTube Video
Education Modules
Department of Labor on Human Trafficking
Prayer to end human trafficking from the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids, MI
...for the women and children who will be sold today.
...for the enslaved restaurant workers in our community.
...for those who survived for they will show us courage and hope.
...for the young men and women, who are enslaved in the garment industry.
...for the men who teach their sons to be respectful of women.
...for ourselves that we recognize trafficking in our midst. .
...for abducted children forced to become soldiers.
...for caregivers and law enforcement.
...for those enslaved in agricultural fields, mines, and factories.
...for boys lured into gangs who become pimps.
...for the conversion of hearts of those who are traffickers.
...for the children exploited through pornography.
...for the victims’ strength and resilience.
...for young girls enslaved in sex trafficking at truck stops.
...for the survivors trying to begin a new life.
...for the young girls forced into domestic servitude.
...for the men exploited in construction work.
...for the children enslaved in the cotton industry.
...for the mother who has no idea where her daughter is.
...for children sexually abused by their abductors.
...for the men who respect and protect abused women and girls.
...for the parents who have lost their children through trafficking.
...for the women enslaved in fake massage parlors.
...for the men who are sexually exploited and are afraid to tell.
...for bullied school children who seek acceptance and love.
...for the women and girls who are exploited in strip clubs.
...for the safe return of girls and boys who have been abducted.
...for perpetrators who profit from those who suffer.
...for the girls who are lured to leave their families thru the internet.
...for those enslaved that they will know the depths of freedom and belonging.
...for those advocating to end human trafficking.