Carolina Catholic chats with Bob Kinsman, the Cape Fear Deanery coordinator for the Diocese of Raleigh’s COR Seminar on St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body. The COR Seminar will be presented by author, Christopher West, at St. Michael the Archangel, in Cary on Saturday, July 26th from 8:30 am till 1:30 pm beginning with Mass celebrated by Bishop Burbidge. In this show, we learn about Christopher West, his book, the Theology of the Body Explained, and how Theology of the Body seeks to equip men and women to learn, live and share the beauty of the divine plan for human life, love, and sexuality in a new evangelization.
From the Diocesan website:
The COR Seminar Live
Join us on Saturday, July 26 for The COR Seminar Live presented by Christopher West!
It is the fruit of two decades of his searching for the best way to introduce people to the life-changing vision of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. “Cor” is Latin for heart. Through a creative blending of live music, film clips, and Christopher’s dynamic presentation, The Cor Seminar–Live! will take participants on an exhilarating journey into the “cor” of God’s plan for human life, love, marriage, and sexuality – and, through that, into the Mystery at the “cor” of, well, everything.... See more at: http://www.christopherwest.com/the-cor-seminar-live/#sthash.zk1iJBy4.dpuf.
Or, watch this you-Tube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbvn873-e28.
Through a creative blending of live music, art, movie clips, and Christopher West’s dynamic presentation, The Cor Seminar unfolds:
- the “why” of human existence in a way you’ve never heard before
- the reason we have such deep longings and desires and what to do about it
- living hope of the satisfaction of our deepest longings and desires
- God’s plan for marriage and sexual union as a foreshadowing of the eternal bliss of heaven
- the hope of healing our deepest hurts and redeeming our deepest sorrows
- the redemption of our sexuality as the key to building a true culture of life and love
Target audience
The Cor Seminar is intended for anyone and everyone with a “hungry heart” – young, old, married, single, priests, religious, seminarians, Catholics and non-Catholics, believers and non-believers. All are welcome, including teens. However, as a benchmark, Christopher generally gears his presentation towards a young adult and older audience.
Why come?
The most common response to this seminar is: “I was raised in the Church and never heard this before, why not!!?” The tragedy is that we can go to church our whole lives and never really know who we are, whey we’re hear, what our faith holds out to us. The Theology of the Body provides the interpretive key that makes everything the Church teaches “click,” and we come to see a vision of life and love so beautiful, so grand, it takes our breath away.
What does my ticket price cover? The ticket price covers the cost of hosting and promoting the seminar as well as the materials you receive as part of the seminar. It also helps support the global mission of The COR Project in sharing John Paul II's Theology of the Body around the world.
Is there something I can do to prepare for the seminar?
Prayerfully read Fill These Hearts, Christopher West's most recent book. Watch the seminar/book trailer here: http://youtu.be/pbvn873-e28. When inviting others to the COR Seminar we encourage you to show people this trailer on your iphone or smart phone.
If you would like to register, click here. Please note that tickets are $29 or $20 if 10 or more are purchased!
If any questions, contact local Event leaders at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (919) 589-COR4.