For our January 2014 Carolina Catholic show, and as the nation begins its 41st year of abortion-on-demand, we will shine a lamp on those people in the pro-life movement who have inspired so many others to fight to save the lives of the over 55 million unborn babies lost to abortion since 1973. These "unsung" heroes of the pro-life movement worked quietly and consistently over the 40 years since Roe v. Wade in many ways including these: helping women in crisis pregnancies; representing pro-lifers in court when arrested for standing up for life; standing and praying outside of abortion clinics; and as priests, praying without cease for an end to legalized abortion in America. | ![]() |
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January respect Life Calendar
Annual Diocesan Respect Life Mass at Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Raleigh at 8:00 amon Saturday, January 18. Bishop Burbidge will celebrate the annual Respect Life Mass at St. Joseph Parish in Raleigh. Prior to the Mass, at 7:45 am, there will be a prayer service memorializing the unborn children of Project Rachel participants. During the Mass, he will bless the children in the womb of expectant mothers and their families.
Mass and Love My Life Youth Rally: At 10:30 am, the Bishop will celebrate a Mass for teenagers at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Mass will be followed by the 4th annual Love My Life Rally for the teens on the Cathedral grounds. Last year’s rally attracted more than 700 teens from throughout the Diocese. The teens will then join Bishop Burbidge and faithful from the Diocese at Nash Square in Raleigh for a 1:00 p.m. rally and march sponsored by North Carolina Right to Life. This event is an opportunity for Catholic teens to come together to celebrate life, to connect with others from across the Diocese and to learn more about living and promoting the pro-life culture. Prior to the Rally, the Bishop will celebrate mass at 10:30 am. Following the Rally, the youth are encouraged to participate in the March for Life at Nash Square at 1:00 pm. The Love My Life Rally will feature dynamic speakers, music, and great free food, and will draw our youth to live out a culture of loving, protecting and celebrating all human life! As Catholics, we are all called to live life abundantly, and this event will inspire our youth to join with hundreds from our Diocese in witnessing to others God’s special gift of human life.
Mass for Life on January 22, our diocese will again participate in the annual Mass for Life. Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Peter J. Jugis of Charlotte will concelebrate the annual North Carolina Mass for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at 11:30 am.
March for Life, Wednesday, January 22: Following the Mass, the North Carolina contingent will proceed to the National Mall, where they join hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates on a march past Congress and on to the Supreme Court. Many N.C. Catholics travel to Washington, D.C., by car, while hundreds take buses coordinated by parishes throughout both Dioceses.
Annual Wilmington Prayer Vigil to commemorate the March for Life. Date and time to be announced.