Father Frank Pavone
Father Frank Pavone talks about the current pro-life battles being fought as well as how we as Catholics must stay faithful to the Catholic teaching on respect for all human life.
Father Pavone is the National Director of Priests for Life which has spread internationally in upholding the Sanctity of Life in all its stages. His popularity from visits on EWTN and his program "Defending Life" have made him extremely in demand throughout the United States and beyond.
His fame and respect is not limited only to the Church for he serves on numerous Christian and pro-life boards of directors such as the Advisory Committee for the Caring Foundation, Board of the National Pro-life Religious Council, Board of America's Crisis Pregnancy Helpline, Advisory Council for Ramah International, Advisory Board for the Ivy League Coalition for Life, and the Board of the Center for Bioethical Reform. In addition he is active with the Board of A Baby's Prayer Foundation, Theological advisory Board for the Culture of Life Foundation, Board of Saints' Stories, and the National Board of Advisors for K-IHM Catholic Radio. He is also a member of International Right to Life, the Catholic Press Association, National Religious Broadcasters, Roe No More Ministries, and the Common Ground Network for Life and Choice. He is also an Honorary Advisor to the Society of Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla.
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Michael Clancy
Michael Clancy is a photo-journalist turned speaker. He is the one who took the photograph of an unborn child undergoing fetal surgery to correct Spina bifida. Michael Clancy talks about how his photograph, called the Hand of Hope, changed him from a pro-choice photographer to a pro-life Christian and speaker whose photo has already saved babies from abortion.
"What began as a regular assignment turned into a life changing event when i captured the reaction of an unborn child to the touch of his surgeon during in utero surgery. I've told my story at over 60 eventss in the past two years and will continue until the world knows the true story of the little boy that reached from the womb and changed the world."
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The Photographer Whose Amazing Pro-Life Picture Changed the World
Struggling Photographer Chooses Principle over Money
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