For our February show, Carolina Catholic reports from the March for Life and the North Carolina Mass for Life which were held on January 22nd in Washington, DC. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands marched, the majority of whom were youth from around the country. Over 2,000 Catholics from North Carolina attended the March and the Mass. This show features interviews with Bishop Burbidge, Msgr. Jeffrey Ingham, Father Tim Meares, Diocesan Communications Director Billy Atwell, Jackie Bonk and Bev Jolly, three diocesan seminarians, an Italian pro-life ministry (Voglio Vivere), and a variety of students, marchers, and pro-life ministries from the Rose Convention at the March. 

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Show Notes

March for Life
Office of Human Life and Dignity | Diocese of Raleigh
Thomas More Society
New Hanover County Pro Life Council


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